Saturday, January 20, 2007

Rocky Boat

Singapore is an island. We are surrounded by sea and so traveling in a boat to go to other islands around us is one type of transportation which we can use. For me, I have traveled on a boat before and if the sea seems to be having rough waves, the boat will be rocky.

What happens if you are on a rocky boat? You will need to anchor your boat on something that is firm and to grip on it as your foundation. Then in that case, your boat will not be rocky and it is ready to face the storms and waves in the sea. If you do not want to find the foundation to grip on, your boat will not only be rocky but it will start to follow where the storms and waves lead. Soon it will lose its direction.

Take note.

You cannot control the coming of the storms and rough waves but you have the freedom to decide if you want to anchor your boat on something firm.

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