Saturday, December 16, 2006

Do I Truly Know my God?

I was pondering over this question at least for this past week. Since opening the door of my heart to my God, have I truly been spending time to know Him? Realizing that my life is currently busy with work, ministry and family, am I truly spending time to know Him? If I say that He is a close friend of mine, what have I knew about this Friend?

There are just too many attributes of God for me to know and find out. I think I will spend the rest of my entire life and I will still be unable to find out everything about Him. I truly need to understand Him so that I can walk close with Him to go through my life. He is my Creator. He is All-Powerful. He uses His power in my behalf. He is Present Everywhere. He is Always with me. He Knows Everything about me. He is Sovereign. He Directs my life. He is Holy. He gives me power to become Holy. He is Absolute Truth. His Truth sets me free. He is Righteous. He helps me to live righteously. He is Just. His Justice works for my good. He is Love. He helps me spread His Love. He is Merciful. He Expects me to Extend Mercy. He is Faithful. He Enables me to be faithful. He Never Changes. He gives me to rest in Him. Many, many things to know and find out about Him.

I want to truly understand my God if not the life I live will be wasted. I want to know all about Him so that I can share His attributes with the people around me. The entire Bible is rested on His attributes. Unless I spend time reading His Love Letter, I will never even get to know one of His many attributes deep enough. In addition, I need to understand that all the reading of His Word is not for my own intellectual knowledge but simply to know this Close Friend of mine.

If I truly know my God, it will affect my friendships, my work, my leisure activities, the types of literature I read and even the music I listen. If I do not have the right view of God, how can the people around me even begin to see Him as He is? The right view of God will change not only my life but the lives of many people around me magnificently.

Let me get to know my God deeply so that I can get to love Him back in the same manner which He has loved me. Father, guide me by Your Holy Spirit in getting to know You.

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