Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Learn - 学

"How do you learn?" was one of the numerous questions which was posed to me during my job interviews. Deep inside me, I was also thinking about how to answer this question. How do I learn? My mind went all the way back to my primary school days on how do I learn new words, numbers and how do I count all the beads on my teacher's string below the class blackboard to learn addition and subtraction? Do I learn well by myself or do I need someone to guide or rather spoon-feed me? These were the questions flooding my mind.
As acquired in a motivational course attended during my poly days, our brain learns new knowledge or things through making new neuro connections. Once a new thing is learnt, a new neuro connection is made inside your brain tissues. Hence, the more neuro connections you have, the more things you have learnt. However, you need constant and effective repetitions in order to firm up the new neuro connection. That is without so called enough training, you will lose the new neuro connection over time.
I need to learn many things especially when I am going into my new job as an engineer soon in about three weeks time. Be it relational things like building new friendships with new colleagues or technical things like fabricating a defect-free wafer using the least amount of time, learning is a never-ending process. I believe in my parents' time, blogging is not even born yet. Therefore, if I really want to read my parents' blog, they will have to pick up or learn about blogging first. Even with their many years of life experiences, there will always be something new to learn. To them at this moment, blogging is something which they have never known in their lives and if they want to blog, they will have to learn.
At this moment right now, I am attempting to learn guitar. I mentioned attempting because I faced many difficulties when learning so I cannot say that I am learning but just attempting to learn. Hopefully over time, I will be able to say that I am learning as I do up the training and repetition portion to form this new neuro connection in my brain for guitar. =)
Learn, unlearn and relearn are some words which you may have come across during one of those motivational courses. On the other hand, why am I writing a blog entry on learning? This is because I want to tell all my blog readers that I need to indeed learn from my mistakes. While learning new things involve just making that required neuro connection, learning from my mistakes require loosing that formed neuro connection and vow never to repeat the mistaking connection ever again. I believe I need that and it is sometimes called unlearn to me. Relearning really involves performing something new or doing that same thing without the mistakes committed before.
I need to learn from my mistake of disobeying God at times. Unlearning my disobedience in order to put on the relearning of obedience to Him. God, I am sorry that I have disobeyed You. Pls discipline me so that I can truly learn from my mistakes. Thanks, Heavenly Father.

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