Sunday, August 13, 2006

Is God in the picture?

The answer to this question is a resounding "YES!" God is always in the picture. He is always in our midst. We do not have to go further than out of our own residential place to know that He is always around. We just have to observe ourselves. Yeah, just our body will testify that God is present. How? Okay, let me ask these questions.
1. Do you have to always tell your brain to tell your body to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide?
2. Do you have to always tell your brain to circulate your blood flow so that every cell in your body receive the oxygen supply?
3. Do you have to always tell your brain to tell your stomach to digest the food or drink that is consumed?
4. Do you have to always tell your brain to tell your body to eject out all the unwanted waste?
5. Do you have to always tell your brain to remind your heart to continue beating till you die?
The answer to the above questions is the same: NO.
I am not really good in biology being graded only a B3 back in my 'O' levels. However, at least I still remember that all these questions point to some of the involuntary actions in our human body. They are involuntary because they will be automatically "will do", "doing" or "done" every seconds of our lives. We do not have to tell them to do it, they are so called done involuntarily. We do not have to remind them.
This brings to my mind a particular verse in the Bible. Genesis 2:7, "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." God was actively involved when He created us simply because He gave part of His breath to us. The breath of life. And God after creating man remarked His work as very good. (Gen 1:31)
Therefore, God is always in the picture. Although we cannot see Him with our physical eyes, we can feel His Holy presence with us. Just like we can never deny the presence of a breeze because we cannot see it. The reason is we can feel it. To those who feel that they do not need God as they have everything going their way for them, I will like to ask them this, "If you say that you do not need God, how about surrendering this breath of life which God has given you back to Him?" Food for thought.

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