Sunday, December 06, 2009

Focus Your Eyes & Behold

Fell down big time last Friday during a snowboarding session. A great deal of pain went through my nerve systems and I had to sit at the slopes for a good five minutes before picking myself up again to continue to journey to the base. I hurt my wrist and for the snowboarding experts out there, the exact term is Scaphoid Fracture. Yes, there is some swelling at the base of my thumb area outside the wrist.

I was watching some YouTube videos the night before on how to link turns in Snowboarding which actually means to try to coordinate your heelside tranversing with toeside tranversing. Managed to do just that on the bunny hill but as I tried to perform the same technique on the intermediate slope, lost my balance and fell thereby hurting my right wrist.

One special note as advised by the instructor on the YouTube videos was to always remember to look at where do you want to go in snowboarding. This is the key. For instance, if you are going down the slope on your toeside, you will definitely need to look up the hill. Surprisingly, this simple glance up the hill will prevent you from falling. Therefore, where do you look as you are descending on your snowboard is very crucial.

As I recuperate from my first wrist injury sustained from snowboarding, God opened my eyes to see one principle in my walk with Him. My eyes need to be fixed upon Jesus in order that I can look away from myself and focus all my attention upon Him. This is the key which all of us as children of God should hold on to.

To keep myself from falling as I snowboard, I will need to just look at where I am going. Similarly, to keep myself from falling into sin, I will just need to fix my eyes on Jesus alone. A. W. Tozer put it plainly in his book, “The Pursuit of God” in this way, ‘Faith is a redirecting of our sight, a getting out of focus of my own vision and getting God into focus. Sin has twisted our vision inward and made it self-regarding. Unbelief has put self where God should be…

My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a simple principle and if you take this to your heart, I believe you will be just like me during snowboarding that once I glance up the hill, I am not falling at all! We need to keep our focus right! In other words, once you constantly fix your eyes upon Jesus, you will not be falling into sin which literally means disobedience to God. As I reflect on my past Christian walk with Christ for the last eight years, I can truly confess that every time I sin against God in whatever ways is because of the fact that I was not fixing my eyes upon Jesus in that moment and I fell directly to the lust of my own flesh.

We need to get God into focus. The single fact of putting the only True God of the Bible out of the picture will only complicate things. Once God being our Creator is taken out, we can only have the Big Bang Theory, Evolution and broken relationships. The moment when we turned our backs on our Creator, we realized that everything has become relative. There are no longer absolute moral values because there is no Greater Being to make the call! Everything is right in certain ways and context so long you feel happy. This is the danger and this is exactly what the devil so desires.

We need to get back into focus with Christ. Let’s mediate on this verse today, shall we?

… fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. ~Hebrews 12:2

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