Monday, December 15, 2008

T.O.W upon my LORD

Early this year when I first stepped into US for my job training in Feb, there was a heavy snowstorm which has not been experienced in Utah at least for the last ten years. The main road SR-92 to my company was closed and many cars were being towed away from the road after the closure. Employees in my company could not go home for that day as the only road was closed. It was quite a chaotic situation but the towing company did earn a cool US$30,000! (Estimated towing fee is US$100 per vehicle and there are probably about three hundred vehicles on SR-92 that day.)

Okay, so much for my introduction for this blog posting. The main idea to get back is TOW. I titled this post, “T.O.W upon my LORD”. T.O.W here has a similar idea to cars being towed as I definitely need the strength of my LORD to tow me through these two years of working in the US. Therefore, this post which is written on this day when I am going to report to my next company will serve as a post which I can look back after my two years here in Utah.

T.O.W upon my LORD. T.O.W in my context here means Trust.Obey.Wait upon my LORD. After all that has happened in this year and many accounts of personal reflection, I realized that ultimately I can only trust upon my LORD, obey upon my LORD and wait upon my LORD. It is true and each of these verbs (action words) cannot do without the presence of the other two. I cannot trust my LORD without obeying and waiting upon my LORD. I cannot obey my LORD without trusting and waiting upon my LORD. I cannot wait upon my LORD without trusting and obeying my LORD.

Very often, I think Christians need to trust upon the LORD based solely on the promises spelt out clearly by Him whom has revealed Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ in the Bible. One key verse which I can memorize and remind myself daily to trust the LORD is:

And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his promise. - Romans 8:28

A GREAT PROMISE by the LORD! Need to remember, mediate and recite it daily. Amen to this fantastic verse.

Next comes obeying upon the LORD. Jesus Himself said that John 14:15, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” And again down the passage in verse 21, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

With trust upon my LORD as my firm foundation, I can obey my LORD. Based solely on His promise in Romans 8:28, I gladly obey His commands and observe John 14:15 and John 14:21. The simple reason is I treasure my relationship with Him and want to further my fellowship with Him to experience His love more each day of my life.

With the trust and obedience to my LORD, it comes in naturally that I will need to wait upon my LORD for all things which I am sure He will gladly grant to me according to His sovereign timing. Psalm 27:14 is one memory verse to rejuvenate my soul as I wait upon my LORD:

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. – Psalm 27:14

I guess putting these three faith action words under the acronym of T.O.W leave me a good impression of what it is really like to T.O.W upon my LORD. It is like my spiritual vehicle is depending upon the sole strength of my LORD to go through the highs and lows of life. Seriously praying that I will not be distracted for the coming New Year and be always TOWing upon my LORD. Amen.

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