Friday, December 07, 2007

My Testimony for Christ Jesus

Before I trusted Christ
Before Christ came into my life, I was a perfectionist. I took things very hard and in whatever I did, I would always want to win. From primary school to secondary school days, I always aim to go the “best” class. In addition, I always go all out to win my friends in all things that we do. For example, exam marks, physically etc. In my life, everything that I do was for I, myself and me. This is also the reason why I cannot face failure at all.

How I came to know and trust Christ
I did not accept Christ the very first time that I hear of the gospel. In fact the gospel (good news of Christ coming to save us) was shared to me a total of three times by three different persons.

The very first time was during a casual meeting of a stranger who came to share to the gospel with me in the street. He was in fact doing what we call “Street Evangelism”. However, like most people I did not respond to the gospel but I did pray that particular prayer in Four Spiritual Laws (4SL) to accept Christ into our lives with him. This is because I did not want to disappoint him. He did invite me to his church but I rejected him after a few phone calls.

The second time happened just after one of my close friend, Stephen accepted Christ and was baptized recently. He specially bought a bible for me (This is the same bible which I am still using today) during a time when I was feeling down and moody because I was just declared out of course in my BMT (Basic Military Training). He also shared Christ with me and told me different analogies. One of it was about the pilot and his commander. One day, the pilot flew into the enemy’s territory and his plane crashed. Will he trust his commander to send soldiers to save him out of the territory? Or the commander will leave him in the lurch? The pilot was us, the commander was God and the enemy’s territory was this world. Of course, the pilot has the faith that his commander will save him out of the danger. This should be the same faith that we should have in our God. However, I still did not accept Christ into my life.

The third time happened because this time round, I took up my first step to find out more about God. I contacted my secondary school friend, Albert through ICQ and confided in him about the problems that I faced. That time, I was recovering from heat stroke suffered during my SOC (standard obstacle course) in BMT. I was feeling totally defeated and disappointed in myself because I was put out of course and I could go to neither SISPEC (School of Infantry Specialists) or OCS (Officer Cadet School). I was taking things too hard as I saw that I was losing out to my friends.

After confiding with Albert, he brought me to his church (The People Bible’s Church) worship service. He also shared the Four Spiritual Laws (4SL) with me. I felt that God was leading me to Him through all these three experiences I have with the gospel. He has been planning all the circumstances which I faced! At that moment, I prayed with Albert that same prayer which I had prayed before and accepted Christ into my life. The rest is history.

Now that I have received Christ
With Christ in my life now, I have learned to take things easy. My name has also been detached from the term “Perfectionist”. I became a person who can carry things up and put things down. (Chinese Saying). I am able to face failures now and I do not feel awkward discussing Christ with my friends. I also realized the importance of turning from self to God. Jesus has not only been my most trustworthy friend all these years but most importantly, He is the only one True Living God who has saved me from my bondage of sins. Amen.

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