Sunday, March 21, 2010

Seeking Directions from my Father

As that mini count-up timer (on the right) keeps adding time to my time spent in United States, I realize that I need to seek my Father’s direction as to where will I be going next. Time can only be increased and not decreased in any way. I seriously do not want to waste my life so I need to consider my next move from here.

Please help to pray for me in these pointers:

  1. Pray for my family’s salvation and health.
  2. Pray for me to continue to have progress in my spiritual growth.
  3. Pray for me to be content with what I have and press on to obey Father’s Word.
  4. Pray for me to be able to seek the next direction in the area of my job.
  5. Pray for me to continue to be an effective witness for Christ in the workplace.



  1. Praying that you will make the full use of your 20s before age catches up with us.


  2. Is that a typo? I am reaching my 30s in less than a week... :)
