Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Is marriage important and crucial in life? I think if we sincerely want to answer this question, we will need to first sit down to define what is marriage and what does it involve. defines marriage as:
noun the formal union of a man and a woman, by which they become husband and wife.

What is involved in this formal union? Lots of things are involved. For example, you are supposed to take care of her in times of hardships, sickness, riches and health and so on so forth. Sorry, I cannot type out everything that is involved in a marriage vow correctly as I am unable to remember it word for word.

Basically, a formal union where after which two will become one flesh in spirit. It is holy and sacred. God is fully involved and a new chapter begins for this couple who has exchanged their vows in front of their Author and Perfector of their faith. A very beautiful picture, isn’t it?

Marriage is viewed as holy and sacred by God and it should also be held in high regard by us who are called His children. It is all in that formal union. This brings to my mind why God wants to make covenants with His chosen people. Covenants which work in a similar fashion as marriage is like an agreement which God makes with us as His children.

The bible is divided into Old Testament (旧约) and New Testament (新约). In simple words, God has made at least two covenants with His people which can be broadly divided as these two testaments. Let us now look slightly deeper into the various covenants which God has initiated with His people.

Noahic Covenant (Gen 9:1-17; cf 6:18)
- Conceived and established by God Himself
- Universal in its scope
- Unconditional and eternal
- Sign - Rainbow – no human obligation

Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12:1-3; 15 and 17)
- Element of the covenant
i. Heir – Son
ii. Inheritance – Land
iii. Heritage – Blessing to all nations
1. Repeated to Isaac -- Gen 26:3-4
2. Repeated to Jacob – Gen 28:13-14
- God Himself confirm the covenant (Gen 15:7-21)
Details of the ceremony – similar to Exodus 19-20
i. v7 “I am the Lord” Exo 20:2a
ii. “smoke and flame” Exo 19:18; 20:18
Significant of the ceremony
i. Unilateral – God alone binds Himself; fulfillment depends upon Him alone
- Sign of the covenant – Circumcision (Gen 17:10-14)
i. purity, reminder of God’s divine grace, demonstration of faith, separate into the Lord.

Mosaic Covenant (Exo 19 – Deu)
- Based on Abrahamic Covenant (Exo 2:24; 3:15-16; 6:4-8)
- Confirmation of the covenant – Exo 19
- Sign of the covenant – The Sabbath (Exo 31:10-17)
- Conditional
- Obligations – Mosaic Law
i. Emphasize Obedience – Function as a demonstration of faith and a requirement to enter into the covenant relation with God. A means of proper relationship.
ii. Emphasize Relationship – Function as a maintenance of the covenant relation with God; a result of a proper relationship.

Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:12-17)
- An eternal Dynasty – David (Prosper till Christ’s Time)
- An eternal Kingdom – Jesus (1000 years reign)
- Source of blessing for all mankind (Through Christ)
- Unconditional
- The prophets connect the coming Messiah with the promised seed of David (Isa 11:1; Mic 5:2)

New Covenant (Jer 31:31-34; 32:36-44; Eze 36:22-32)
i. Faith in obedience
- Under old covenant, relationship with God was mediated through priests. Under new covenant, relationship with God is immediate. We can now go to God directly.
- Obedience will be facilitated by a change in the nature of those who are included in the covenant. Law written in the hearts, man is now able to obey because of the miraculous change in his nature. (Eze 36:26-27)
- God no longer remember the sins of His people (Jer 31:34). As long as sin remained, God was required to punish. But now the penalty of sin has been removed, the threat of punishment is eliminated and the covenant will never be broken.
- Sign of covenant – Baptism of the Spirit (2 Cor 3:6)

If we claim to be Christians (Christ, I Am Nothing), true followers of Christ, then we are formally united with God through this New Covenant. We are now able to obey God because of a miraculous change in our nature. We have gone through the baptism of the Spirit and the covenant will never be broken.

Never be broken? That means we are forever God’s reconciled children. Even today, if you are leaving your church, forsaking your cell, giving up all your ministries simply because you see no hope or your faith is shaken due to certain issues or storms or conflicts in life, remember this one point:

The covenant will never be broken.

We are all binded in this covenant with God and are related to one and other by this covenantal relationship with Him. We are one body of Christ! If one part of the body refuses to function, the whole body suffers. This is what it means.

No covenant will be established without blood. Our covenantal relationship with God and one another is established by Christ’s blood. Let us sincerely treasure this covenant which God has established with us by sacrificing His Son selflessly on the cross to redeem us. Amen?

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