Saturday, February 03, 2007


Wah, time passes really fast as usual. One month of 2007 is gone just like that. Furthermore, I have already finished two weeks of night shift. Many asked me when will I transfer back to normal shift. Frankly speaking, I am also not very sure. Maybe after 3 months or after 1.5 years? It’s really up to the management to decide. Therefore, I am leaving it totally to them whom has been specially chosen and put in place by God.

Anyway, working in the night shift has distorted my sleeping pattern. Take for example, I worked from yesterday evening till this morning. Came home, bathed and slept till 5pm today. Looks like I will not be able to sleep again tonight and I will be a walking zombie tomorrow at church. Seriously, date and time also seemed so messy in my mind. Okay, today is 3 February 2007 and the time right now is 6pm.

Going to work in the evening seems like a breeze because there is no morning rush crowds at all. Coming home in the morning is also a breeze because I am going in the opposite direction of others. It seems like whenever I am off, the only practical thing is to sleep. All in all, I also cannot decide usually what time I will sleep. So long I am tired, I will just sleep.

Another issue for me is to learn how to make full use of my waking hours in the night on my off days. I have thought it through. Maybe I can use it for reading, cycling or jogging. After all, these are my hobbies. Now that I have slightly more time in the night, I should make full use of them, right?

However, I do enjoy the night shift experience. At least, it is quiet in the office compared to many distracting tasks thrown at you during the normal shift. In addition, stay awake through the night do seems to let you feel that you have more time on your hands to do your own stuff.

On the hand, going to church now becomes a struggle. I am unable to be fully fresh and alert during service. How to overcome it? I think I will need to pray. As for cell, I will try my best to make it for the meetings whenever I am able to do. Pray for me as I struggle to make it for church services and cell meetings. Thanks.

Many times I feel disappointed over the things that have been happening around me. Is it due to my poor communication skills? Yes, He called me to be shepherd for His people. I was reluctant to take up this role but He called me strongly so I tried my best. However, His sheeps went astray under my leading. Please punish me, God. I have failed you miserably. I have let you down. I should have stepped down long ago. I am too proud and pride overtakes me. Please call another person to be your shepherd. I am not fit.

Father, if it is according to your will, please grant me the permission to step down as your lousy, incompetent, boastful shepherd.

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