Friday, March 29, 2013

Only F.A.M.I.L.Y is True

F.A.M.I.L.Y means “Father And Mother, I Love You”, but F.A.F.I.L.Y and/or M.A.M.I.L.Y are confused terms to children.

Quoting from WorldNetDaily:
“We understand that Canada is seen by people around the world as a country in which public policy is developed carefully and judiciously. It would, therefore, be a natural assumption that in legalizing homosexual marriage our government and courts thoroughly considered the implications of this action through proper and extensive study of social sciences and facts,” the apology continues. “But it is essential that the people of the world understand that this was not the case. Our government and courts only considered adult ‘rights.’ Among other things, the impact on children’s rights, children’s education, parental rights, religious rights, adoption, the economy and family law were never fully considered. Changes were thrust upon us by court actions followed by a vote that did not allow for a free vote of every member of our federal parliament. “Our warning to you, the people of the world, is to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them in your own countries. Forewarned should be forearmed,” the statement finished.
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  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

    I didn’t see a follow widget on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
    If you wish, click on “dashboard” or “design” on the top right of your main blog…then click on “layout” on the left side of the page, “add a gadget” on the right side column…that takes you to the "basics" list. On the left of that list is a "more Gadgets" option. Click on that one and scroll down to the one that simply says “FOLLOW"

  3. Thanks, Steve and Covnitkepr1 for your comments and invitation to follow your blogs. I have already done so but as to add a Followers Gadget to my current blog, I will have to link it to my Google+ first. Currently, I am busy with my work and will do so when I am available. God Bless you guys. :)

  4. I am enjoying your blog, and invite you to follow mine,

  5. thanks, Bishop Dennis, I am following your blog now.
