Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review

Another year has gone by me. Another 365 days. Let me think back for a moment. What exactly has happened for the last 365 days since my last review for 2009? Many things. Many thoughts. Many decisions made.

2010 is the year I turned 30. It is also the year where I have been a Christian for 9 years. 9 years of spiritual journey with Christ. This journey has been rough because Christ has put me through many tests to allow me to learn certain things from Him. Being the sinner, I often let Him down again and again. I know that He is always here beside me, even at this moment while I am typing this post. He has always been here with me through the thick and thin of my life in Utah.

Yes, Utah. I have spent another year of my life here. Gone through yet another four seasonal change. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Time has always moved on in a twinkle of an eye, no matter whether I am enjoying or suffering in that moment. Time really waits for no man and because of this, I find this quote from the book, "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert very interesting.

"As far as we know, we are the only species on the planet who have been given the gift – or curse, perhaps – of awareness about our own mortality."

Death looks like a great enemy who separates us from our loved ones. Everyone will have to go through it and even Wikipedia records some famous people who died in 2010. As I remembered myself writing a review annually in this little blog of mine, I am not really weary of death because I have trusted in Christ Whom has promised a better life ahead beyond death. In fact, death is merely the door which will lead me to the eternal life with Christ in a brand new sinless world.

Sorry, folks but writing an annual review for me has always led me to talk a little bit on time. Once again, I need to remind myself not to waste my life but to make my life count for Christ. As I read up on my review for 2009, I can only regretfully said that I did not fulfill my new year resolution for 2010 again.

With the coming of 2011, I wish to work at reading my Bible more, learning how to trust in my LORD Jesus Christ more, motivating myself to obey Him more and being more patient in waiting upon Him more. T.O.W principle will be the focal point of my spiritual life in 2011. In order to be able to focus on T.O.W, I search through the Bible to identify a verse for each different component of the principle so that I can memorise and meditate upon them for the upcoming 365 days of 2011.

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the LORD ~Psalm 4:5

But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men." ~Acts 5:29

My soul languishes for Your salvation; I wait for Your word. ~Psalm 119:81

As I look back on December 31 every year to write an annual review of my life, my LORD Jesus seems to be showing me that no matter how I desire something so much in my own life, it does not really matter. The very thing which I want, be it a relationship or some other things which seems so dear to me, is only temporal. It may bring me happiness but only for a short while. What seems to be eternal is Jesus' relationship with me. Maybe being able to see Him face to face at the end of my life will surpass all other things which I pursure in this life. I said, "Maybe" is because at some point or moment in my life, I really cannot see the joy without the very thing which I want in my life. I figure that trusting in Him daily will be the key to really understand what a joyous life really is from His perspective.

As we step into 2011, I hereby wish everyone a very blessed new year ahead, making most of your time to spend it with your loved ones and learning how to truly experience joy in your life, no matter whether you are single, married, divorced or widowed.

Have a fabulous new year ahead.
מבורך השנה החדשה

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