Do you want to know what is the one thing that stands out throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation? What is the main message of the Bible? I will like to answer the first question with "The Attributes of God". That is the one thing that stands out throughout the entire Bible. The main message of the Bible is as shown in the figure above.
Before we discussed the figure, let us take some time to look through some of the verses in the Bible. We will only be looking at two books of the Bible namely, Genesis and Revelation.

Brothers and Sisters, look through these verses yourself and hear the message of God from His very Words. We can see from the figure that in the beginning, God is with Adam and Eve and together they are in the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Life. No sin is present. Adam and Eve are in perfect relationship with God. Sin enters in Genesis 3 and thereby man is corrupted by Satan and goes through a period with the presence of Sin. We can see this whole period is even right till today.
Then, there will be a period of seven years of tribulations. After that, Christ will come back again and rule the earth with all the Saints who are the Christians for one thousand years. Next, Satan will be released from captivity after the one thousand years to deceive the world before he is thrown into the lake of fire to be eternally destroyed. Eventually, eternity will kick in!
Is it exciting to know that God is the one who is always in control and He is the author of this amazing message? He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And if you have realized, the beginning and the ending in the figure is the SAME.
How will you respond to this God who has already planned the great future of your soul? I know that I will be seeing His face again and fellowship with Him in eternity.
Will you like to join me?
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