Title taken from the Holy Scriptures in the Book of Psalms, this is an exclusive cs's blog of his Christian life's struggles, tears and happiness with his God, Lord and Most Gracious Saviour - Jesus Christ.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
"So when are you buying a car?"
Oh yes, my driving license is and still collecting dust at home. I have never brought it out since the day that I was "banned" from riding. Furthermore, I have given up all my plans to upgrade it and so there it is in my drawer collecting dust.
Buying cars? haha, think I don't need at the moment lah. My future workplace is quite near my house. It is probably just about 20 min bus ride away so why should I buy one? In addition, buying one is easy but supporting one is a burden. Why don't I just use all the money for supporting God's ministries and my family instead? There was a comment by one of my army friends that he would rather spend all his money on his girl then on a car. Hmm, quite true. hehe.
Learnt something from God during quiet time today. The passage which I was reading through was Luke 16:19-31. If you do not have a bible with you, here is what it says:
The Rich Man and Lazarus "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'
"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'
"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' " 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'
"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "
This passage is not actually saying that all rich people will definitely go to hell. It is actually telling us to treasure only the things which matters. A car does not really matter in life. What really matters to us is the Word of God. That is the Bible. As a matter of fact, the Bible is about 3506 years old. If you are into antiques, you may be most glad to take possession of this super antique thing. However, it is not for you to auction it but to obey it with all your hearts. God is really looking into my heart. The Word of God is here with me. What matters is, "Am I always ready to obey it with all my heart?"
If you have noticed, the passage ended with a warning. That is if you do not listen to Moses and the Prophets (which literally means the Old Testament or the Scriptures or the Word of God), you will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. Christ Himself has been risen from the dead but there are still people who are not convinced. There can be only one reason for it - You need to listen to the Word of God.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
cs code - 'qci ot kcab'
Thursday, September 21, 2006
“Going Public With Your Faith” Thoughts
I strongly feel God’s timing for the various events which came across my life during this year. This year is in fact a very, very eventful year for me. (Note that I have used up two ‘very’ to express the intensity). Indeed, at the beginning of this year 2006, I made up two new year resolutions for myself. One of them never been realized due to my own disobedience to God (Sorry, Father). The other one sort of been realized halfway. It can be considered done or not done. Okay, this second resolution can be shared which is to run a full marathon.
A full marathon which is 42.195 km. Yes, a full one… Why I say it is sort of been realized halfway is because I did not run the full marathon in one shot but done it in installments. That is I ran 21.1 km for Army Half Marathon (AHM) on 27 August and will be doing another 21.1 km on 3 Dec for Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon. So all in all, I did run a full marathon after all. Haha. Okay, I cheated. I promise as of this entry that I will run a full marathon definitely next year 2007, ok?
Yes, this year is indeed eventful because first of all, I need to clear my final year project (fyp) and final year modules to make sure that I can graduate in time in June. Furthermore, I need to make sure that my parents attend my convocation smoothly and all. Also I have to go back to serve the Army for another four months plus to complete my NS liabilities. In addition, I have to make one major decision and that is either to serve God full time in ministry or to go out into the working world.
This book, “Going Public With Your Faith” teaches and encourages people not to have the mindset of working in secular jobs means wasting your time and fades in comparison to serving God full-time in ministry. It really educates me about the distorted beliefs which I have been harbouring since 2004. I have always thought that in order not to waste my life, I need to be serving God full-time either in campus ministry, bible studies, prayer sessions or many other Christian ministries. However reading this book makes me realize that in fact doing your normal secular jobs is not wasting your life at all. You are actually going out to God’s harvest field at the workplace which is actually not smaller in comparison to the campus ministry or in fact a bigger scope of area!
Going on to working life will mark a brand new chapter and beginning of my life. Entering into my company (have found a job) will mean building relations with my colleagues and learning new things in a brand new and unfamiliar environment. It will take time to adapt and I will definitely face a lot of changes to my life. Like what one of my brothers says, “There are three events which will cause stress to your life. They are, firstly changing job, secondly, getting married and lastly, moving house.” However, one major thing remains. My God is still asking me to reach out for Him and be His witness no matter where I go. He guarantees that He will be with me till the end of the age. Oh, what can I say? I can only tell Him with all my sincerity :
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Learn - 学
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
This is something which I picked up from my Physical Training Instructor (PTI) during my unit's healthy lifestyle programmes. Maybe I just share with my blog readers. =)
Keep fit by adopting the F.I.T.T. rule
Frequency :
Exercise three to five times a week.
Intensity :
Generally, you should exercise at 75 per cent and above of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). Let's assume that your potential MHR is 220 beats per minute (bpm). You should try to achieve the Target Heart Rate (THR) during your exercise. To calculate THR, use this formula: (220 - your age) x 75 %. For example, if you are 30 years old, your THR is (220-30) x 0.75 = 142.5 bpm.
Type : Often people stop exercising because they find it boring. Hence, vary your exercise regime. Try swimming, jogging and playing a sport.
Time : Set aside time to exercise for at least 40 minutes each session - 10 minutes for warming up, at least 20 minutes exercising, and 10 minutes cooling down.
Okay, I am meeting my contact for a time of healthy lifestyle tomorrow morning. Learning to keep fit so that I can serve God more effectively. Haha and my favourite line when I was caught jogging in school last time was, "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!"
Monday, September 18, 2006
What does it mean when Christians say the Bible is inspired?
That's actually a separate question, by the way. The question of lower criticism, or textual criticism is, have the documents been passed on in an accurate fashion? We have a transcript on that issue called "Is the New Testament Text Reliable?"
But the question can be raised, why didn't God allow us to have the autographs, the originals? I guess I need to back up here a moment and talk about inspiration because this whole question that I want to approach here is grounded in the idea of inspiration. It's really important that you understand precisely what we mean when we say that God inspired the Scripture. Let's just take the claim at face value right now. I won't defend the notion; that's a different issue. What it means is that God worked in a supernatural way such that those who were actually doing the writing wrote down precisely what God wanted them to write. He was moving through a human individual.
It was not automatic writing. It wasn't like Paul was in a trance writing away with his eyes glued opened and someone asked, "What are you writing?" And he said, "I don't know, it's Greek to me." That isn't what happened. He was writing like you would a letter. You can read letters from different writers and they have their own personality in the letter. They may have used research like Luke did, interviewed other people, compiled information. They might have even borrowed from secular sources. That seems to have happened in the book of Proverbs.
The point is, when we say it's inspired we mean that whatever the words were that were written down, these were the precise words that God wanted to have written down. God worked powerfully through those people such that their words were God's words and God's words were their words. That's why we call the Scripture the Word of God, even though they may be the words of Peter or Paul or John or the Prophets. They are still the word of God because God was working in a concursive way. He was writing together with them, in a sense. We call this operation inspiration.
What we mean by this, for example in the case of the New Testament, is that these are the particular words in the Greek language that most precisely reflect the meanings that God wanted to convey. Notice I used two terms there: words and meanings. In others words, the very words are the out-breathing of God. Technically they are not inspired; they are expired. I don't mean they are dead. They are theopneustus , "the breathing of God." "God-breathed" is what that means, literally. So now we have the words flowing from the pens of Peter and Paul and Moses and the Prophets that are the particular words that God chose to express His thoughts to us, but we don't have in our possession the inspired original words. No problem. That's actually a good thing.
Think for just a moment what a word is. Let's take the word table . The meaning signified by the word table or by the sound table is not the letters on the page or the sound itself. The meaning is something other than that. When we utter the word table, what we mean is, "that thing out there with four legs and a flat top." We can even point to it and say That, right there. So the sound or the written word signifies a particular object and this signify relation, this pointing to business that is caught up between the word we utter and the thing that we are pointing at, this is what we call meaning.
Words convey meaning and God chose very specific words. He inspired them in order to convey particular meanings. The word points to something out there in the world. In other words, sometimes the meaning of the word is a physical object like table. Other times it is not physical--love, for example. The point that I'm making is that we can have two tangible things--a sound or a written word--on a page that points to another tangible thing--the table for example--but that pointing to is not something tangible. The meaning is not physical.
Now stay with me for a moment, because this is all going to cash out in a very important way. First of all, think of this. It's not just the meanings of the Bible that are inspired. When I gave you our definition of inspiration which seems to be the biblical teaching on the issue, we're not talking about the meanings that are inspired. It's the words themselves--the Greek words. 2 Timothy 3:16 says "all graphe is inspired", all Scripture. What are the graphe ? The writings. All the writings are inspired.
We've been talking about the fact that there's a big difference between the word and the meaning. For example, the word could change. You might say table in English, or mesa in Spanish or tdoe in Thai--but it's still table. The word changes but the meaning is the same. The meaning is fixed. The words can change, but the meaning stays the same. Meanings are static and words can change to identify the meanings.
This difference identifies the distinction between what is called a type and a token. The meaning of the word is the type. It's the thing itself. The token is the t-a-b-l-e that signifies the meaning. The type doesn't change. The meaning or the type is a universal. It can be in more than one place at one time. The same meaning of table can be in mesa or tdoe and table at the same time. The different tokens have the same meaning but it takes different forms. The words are the particulars, the tokens, the examples, in a sense.
So, the simple rule is there is one type, many tokens. The type is not tangible, the tokens are. Meanings give the words meanings.
If you write table on the board three times, how many words are on the board? Well, it's not entirely clear how many there are. There are three words, and there is one word, meaning that there are three tokens--the token table three times, but only one type. One meaning is represented there, but there are three different tokens of that meaning on the board.
God has chosen a particular set of tokens in words recorded in the Scriptures that can be communicated equally to everyone.
How does all this relate to the issue of Scripture and the original documents? There's a couple of conclusions we can draw. First is that the only way we can really communicate meaning is by using some kind of token of it--in this case, words. It can be a spoken word or a written word or sign language or some kind of token which communicates meaning. This is why it is so critical that it is not the meanings only that are inspired in Scripture but the tokens themselves, the writings, the words. If you lose the tokens, if you can't count on the tokens, then we don't have access to the meanings either. Another way of putting it is, how can you get inspired meanings without inspired words? Yet there are some people who hold that it is not the words that are inspired. The words can be fallible, but it's the meanings that are the things that really count.
But how do you get one without the other? You've got to have some fixed point from which to depart. You've got to have the words--the tokens--which are a point of public access to the meanings. All of us can see the same word there. In this case, the fixed point is the words in the original manuscripts in the Greek, and God has given those things as a fixed point, particular tokens so that we can work with those tokens to get at the meaning. That's what we do when we do biblical interpretation.
Another advantage is that meanings themselves aren't reproducible. Only tokens are reproducible. So it makes sense that we have a Bible that is given to us in tokens. That is, written words which allow us to reproduce the tokens so that the meaning carried with the tokens can be transferred as well. Some people ask, Why doesn't God just speak to me? Why doesn't He just show himself to me? In a way He has. He has spoken. But to avoid showing Himself to every single person in some kind of special and unique fashion that may be confusing or misleading, God has chosen a particular set of tokens in words recorded in the Scriptures that can be communicated equally to everyone. Therefore everybody has the same shot at the truth. They have this shot through a fixed medium of the particular words that God has chosen. You can see how helpful this makes things, can't you? It deals decisively with the problem of each person having to interpret his own individual subjective revelation that is not tied to something objective like a text--words.
Think for a moment if you were the owner of a company and you wanted all your employees to be very, very clear on a set of principles that you had for running the company. You wouldn't simply emote your desires and hope that all of your employees picked up your vibes. You'd want each employee to understand you so you would articulate your thoughts as precisely as possible through the tokens of words and expect each employee to read the same words in order to get your meaning clear. Right? That's exactly what God has done.
There's another tremendous advantage to this, by the way. If God were to give us such a memo, such a revelation, it would be a very valuable revelation, right? How do you protect such a revelation? God writes through someone His divine word on a piece of paper. How do you protect that? How do you guard against its destruction. If it's only one copy and it was destroyed, bang and it's gone. When it gets destroyed, we are back in the dark again.
Or even more importantly, how do you guard against it being changed or tampered with or corrupted by someone? It's one thing not to have any record at all and then everyone's in the dark. It's another thing altogether to have a spurious record, a faulty record giving commands from God that are not from God at all. That's worse.
Well, the way God handled that is to solve both problems by allowing the original to be destroyed. How does that solve the problem? He made sure there were thousands and then millions of copies. So many copies that they could not all be destroyed.
That's why I don't get it when some claim that the early church took out all the references from the Bible about reincarnation. Some claim that the Council of Nicea took out all the references to reincarnation, that it was originally in the Bible. First of all, how would anybody know that if it was taken a millennium and a half ago? How would you even know that it used to be there and now it's not there any more? Would you find eraser marks or something?
Then there's another problem. How is the church going to gather up the thousands of manuscripts that are being circulated all over the Mediterranean--actually there were tens of thousands; only thousands have survived--and expunge every reference in the Bible to reincarnation? Well, they can't do it when there are thousands of copies, but if there was only one they could. They could take it out and they could rewrite it. They could pretend that what they changed was really the original. That is, I think, one of the reasons God has allowed such a thing. If you had only the original, that could be done. But when you have thousands of copies it can't be done.
The Scriptures become dispersed abroad to all peoples in an objective form so that everyone gets the same thing in a way that protects the document from ever being forged or falsified. That can be done because even the original represents meaning through words as tokens and the tokens can be copied. They can be reproduced such that the copy of the token is the same as the original token. Just like the three words table on the board. They are the same as each other. So if we have a copy using the exact same tokens as the autograph, we essentially have the autograph. The same tokens convey the same meanings that are behind them.
In one sense, the original tokens are gone, the autograph is gone. But if we demonstrate that our present copies are accurate copies then it's fair to say that in regards to the tokens we have millions of originals all over the world. By golly, that's a pretty good system.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My NIV Study Bible

I got myself this bible today. I feel that I really need to do a serious study of God's Word. Hence, despite the expensive price of this bible (as you can see), I still bought it without a second thought. Somemore when I asked the staff for a brand new copy, she was like very shocked and told me that all the copies at the shelf are new copies. However in the end, she still gave me a new copy but she thought that I wanted a new copy because the plastic cover of the box came off and told me that even for this new copy, the plastic cover still came off. Haha, but I told her that I will accept this copy because the bible itself is wrapped in a plastic sheet. I wanted a new bible instead of the box. I was so fussy. (so bad of me, feel so regretful of my actions)
Eventually, I paid for the new bible and the book, "Going Public with Your Faith" and went back home.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Galatians 5:24
• adjective 1 no longer alive. 2 (of a part of the body) numb. 3 displaying no emotion. 4 no longer relevant or important. 5 lacking activity or excitement. 6 devoid of living things. 7 (of equipment) not functioning. 8 complete; absolute: dead silence. (quoted from AskOxford)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Galatians 6:14

Throughout the whole of last week, I was meditating upon this verse which came upon my mind after reading two books namely, "The Cross of Christ" by John Stott and "Don't waste your life" by John Piper. What does this verse say? If you are too lazy to flip your bible to find out what it says, you can always copy my entry title and paste it onto the Biblegateway search bar located on my sidebar. Haha.
Ok, here is what it says:
"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." ~Gal 6:14~
What is boast? Boast is to talk about oneself with excessive pride. The verse to me is telling me that if you ever want to boast, boast in the cross of Christ where I have crucified myself to the cross with Him and no longer of this world. My old self is now dead and the new life that I live now is all by the grace of Christ. The old has gone and the new has come! (2 Cor 5:17). I have became a new creation in Christ.
The cross to the others is a symbol of defeat, shame and foolishness. 1 Cor 1:18 says it very well that for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. The cross is the power of God! The cross is where my old self is being crucified together with Christ and I am no longer under the bondage and control of sin. This is precisely what I want to boast to others and definitely not my money, fame or power.
This verse cannot be dimissed as Pauline idiosyncrasy. For, as we have known as Christians, the cross was central to the mind of Christ, and has always been central to the faith of the church. Firstly, to glory or boast in the cross is to see it as the way of acceptance with God. The most important of all questions is how we, as lost and guilty sinners, may stand before a just and holy God. It was to answer this question loud and clear that Paul, in the passionate heat of his controversy with the Judaizers, dashed off his letter to the Galatians. Like them some people today still trust in their own merits. But God forbid that we should boast except in the cross. The cross excludes all other kinds of boasting (Rom 3:27).
Secondly, to glory or boast in the cross is to see it as the pattern of our self-denial. Although Paul writes of only one cross ('the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ'), he refers to two crucifixions, even three. On the same cross on which our Lord Jesus Christ was himself crucified, 'the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.' The 'world' thus crucified (repudiated) does not of course mean the people of the world (for we are called to love and serve them), but the values of the world, its godless materialism, vanity and hypocrisy (for we are told not love these, but to reject them). The 'flesh' has already been crucified (5:24); now 'the world' joins it on the cross. We ought to keep the two main crucifixions of 6:14 in close relation to each other - Christ's and ours. For they are not two, but one. It is only the sight of Christ's cross which will make us willing, and even anxious, to take up ours. It is only then that we shall be able with integrity to repeat Paul's words after him that we glory in nothing but the cross.
I feel many times people are not ready to put their faith in Christ because they have not fully understood the Cross. Remembering what apostle Peter has said, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have..." (1 Peter 3:15), let us boast in nothing else but only in the Cross of Christ so that we can be always ready to tell others about the hope we have and bring Christ to them.
Let Galatians 6:14 be my key verse in my Christian life as I continue to meditate upon it daily and focus on Christ alone.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Run For Hope

One more week to "Run For Hope". As I complete this race of 9 km, let me think about how I can be really creating hope for the Cancer patients. I really feel that I can do much more for the less fortunate. As I step into the working life, let me really learn how to focus on the less fortunate and be touching lives. =)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Long Silence
Monday, September 04, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Throwing Mortarboard Time!

It is so hilarious. Everyone is throwing their mortarboards for the sake of taking this photo but nobody is looking in front. All are looking at where their mortarboard is! haha. =)
By the way, if you want to view all the photos taken at the Esplanade, you can logon to this link:
Pls do not expect too high a standard of the photos, ok?
We are not professional photographers... hehe.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Rekindling Convo Moments
Actually while we were taking photos, there were three groups of different tourists who came up to ask if they can take photos with us. We were like, "wow, we are becoming some kind of tourists' attraction is it?" haha. Anyway, we obliged and took photos with them free of charge. haha... so funny.
Okay, after all the quality control (QC), here is one photo which I feel is the best among all lah.
So enjoy lor... :)