As Christians, we all have to learn how to walk with God. He has always been with us but sometimes, we ourselves have this
problem that we like to do what we want to do. As such, we conveniently tell
ourselves that He is not with us. We rationalize our minds that it is okay to
slack once in a while because we put a pat on our backs that we have been ‘walking
right with Him’ for a season now, right? That’s when we fall and sin against
Him (1 Cor 10:12). Next, the guilt feeling sets in. This vicious cycle of events
is always happening in my own spiritual walk with Him. I resonate with Paul in
Romans 7:24 - Oh what wretched man I am!
This coming November, my church is kicking off the
first Men’s Ministry retreat. The theme is “No Man is An Island” and the
workshop topic is “Walking with God”. As I reflected on a quote by A. W. Tozer:
A whole new
generation of Christians has come up believing that it is possible to “accept”
Christ without forsaking the world.
Truly, I need to remember that by accepting Christ, I have turned my
back against the world. I cannot hold on to Christ and walk with God on one
hand if I am also holding on to the world on my other hand (John 17:16). Please
pray along with the men of TPBC that God will speak to all of us at this
retreat to be serious in our walk with Him in the years to come.