God depicted in Genesis 1:1 is the Only True Living God Who
Alone created the heavens and the earth (Isa 44:24, Isa 45:12). There is no other
God besides Him (Isa 45:18). We must all turn to Him and be saved (Isa 45:22).
There is indeed a reason for Him to put all of us through this lesson of life. When He gave us the breath of life (Gen 2:7), I strongly believe that there is a purpose for living. This purpose is for living is to know Him, the only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent. This is Eternal Life (John 17:3).
Life is hard for all of us because we fail to see through our own individual circumstances with a bigger purpose, a bigger story in mind. If we are too focused on our own needs, we will tend to think that our own problems are daunting to solve. However if we are able to look beyond the problems to gaze upon the face of our LORD, we would be able to see that there is a reason for the issues which God has placed in our lives. We must ask Him for wisdom and guidance to learn the lessons which He wants to teach us. God disciplines us because we are His Children (Heb 12:5-7).
As Christians, we must walk through this lesson of life in the strength of the Spirit which He has given to us as a pledge for our eternal inheritance (Eph 1:14). Personally, I failed Him in many ways because I neglected my time with Him in reading of His Word, in prayers and in worshipping Him by acknowledging Him as the LORD of my life at all times. The moment, I am complacent in walking in the Spirit, I went on to gratify the desires of my flesh (Gal 5:16). LORD, forgive me.
One question which I will like to ask myself daily at every moment of my life is found in Gal 5:7 – “You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth?”
At this moment, I may not yet see the finish line of my life but I really want to finish well. I hope to really echo Paul’s words in 2 Tim 4:7. Brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s continue to encourage one another in desiring to draw closer to our LORD and Savior of our souls daily, shall we?