Title taken from the Holy Scriptures in the Book of Psalms, this is an exclusive cs's blog of his Christian life's struggles, tears and happiness with his God, Lord and Most Gracious Saviour - Jesus Christ.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Movie Recommendation
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Good Job, My Job
There is this joke going around in my workplace. Whenever somebody says, “Good Job!” to you, think about this for a second. You are just doing your job.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Let the Healing Begins...
In my opinion, I think this is absolutely right simply because our imperfect minds do not retain 100% of the events or information even after a mere 24 hours. Hence with time (which only has an addition function), I will say about 100% of the events or information is already lost. Much like an unresolved leakage current to your chip causing much power consumption or lost information.
And therefore, healing can begin because most or in fact all of the events or information is lost. Even when I am a memory chip manufacturer, I cannot help in this retaining of information.
The only way to retain information I guess is to keep refreshing the events or information. It works for microchips and I think it works for human minds.
In conclusion, in order for healing to truly begin, I think I will have to terminate refreshing of events or information in my imperfect mind and making use of prolonged timing to induce healing.
Where is God in this picture?
God being my wonderful counselor will be the One to displace the refreshing of events or information in my imperfect mind. The only way is to input His Word into my mind in order to displace past memories.