Wednesday, February 20, 2008

1st Week in Utah

It is indeed a very exciting new chapter of my life as I reached Utah, U.S.A as of last Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008 (Utah Time). Many things have happened to me. From being in awe of my nice apartment to figuring what groceries to buy. From being lost on the roads in my rental car to changing a burst tire at a petrol kiosk…

Wow, it has been a week staying here in Utah and how should I update regarding my life here leh? It is quite tough so I need to gather my thoughts and keep them as organized as my company HQ FAB here in Utah. Haha…

Ok, first thing is my apartment here in Utah. It is SUPER NICE and I simply do not believe that I am staying in such nice apartment. Arriving here in Utah last Wed (Utah Time), all of us are greeted by a heavy snowstorm which has not been seen at all for the last 15 years in Utah! Thank God we managed to reach our respective apartment after some 6 to 7 hours on the road. All I felt at that time was I am cold and thirsty…

On the next day due to the heavy snowstorm, the only road to my company HQ was closed, so in the end we did not manage to go back to go through the company orientation. All we did was having our breakfast on the bus and then headed to Wal Mart and a SuperChina mart to do our groceries shopping. And that was my 2nd day in Utah.

3rd day in Utah was going for my driving lessons and collecting my rental car. Driving in Utah certainly needs orientation as it is a left-handed drive and whenever the instructor wanted me to turn left or right, the car wiper would be on as the signal lever is on my left instead while the right lever is the wiper control. In addition, keeping to the right lane also needs time to adapt to me. There was even once when I turned into the wrong lane at night where there was heavy opposing traffic. Thank God that He has kept me safe. I also experienced a burst tire and have to settle down at a nearby petrol kiosk to change it with my spare tire before I can drive home. This coming Sat, I will be going back to the rental office to change for another car.

4th day in Utah, there was an intercultural class in company where we are taught on how to interact with our U.S counterparts and also about the LDS culture in Utah. It was a great time of discussion as we observed the differences in an Asian context versus an American context. The LDS discussion was also very interesting as I learnt more about the beginnings of Mormonism and a brief history of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. At least under the leadership of the LDS church, Utah state has the highest percentage of educated residents (High school or higher) and the lowest percentage of crime rate in the whole of U.S. I think this is something which put us to shame, isn’t it?

5th day in Utah, I managed to find a church where I can worship and fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters of the Universal Church. Jordan Valley Baptist Church is a small Christ-centered family church. My colleague and I entered the church finding the congregation having Sunday school (which was in fact their Adult bible study session). The service was refreshing as they sang old hymns with the worship team playing violins and pianos. There were only hymn books and all of us would just turn to the desired hymn for the lyrics with music scores.

I truly give thanks to God for His protection and providence as I begin a new chapter of my life here in Utah. I pray that may He teach me new lessons from His word as I go through my short stint here in the midst of mountains and valleys. God bless! =)

Sunday, February 10, 2008


A Christian is accepted…
A Christian is a child of God. [John 1:12]
A Christian is Jesus’ chosen friend. [John 15:15)
A Christian is holy and accepted by God (justified). [Rom 5:1]
A Christian is united to the Lord and is one in spirit with Him. [1 Cor 3:16]
A Christian has been bought with a price. He / She belong to God. [1 Cor 6:19-20]
A Christian is a part of Christ’s Body, a part of His Family. [1 Cor 12:27]
A Christian is a saint, a holy one. [Eph 1:1]
A Christian has been adopted as God’s child. [Eph 1:5]
A Christian has been bought back (redeemed) and forgiven of all his / her sins. [Col 1:14]
A Christian is complete in Christ. [Col 2:10]

A Christian is secure…
A Christian is free forever from punishment. [Rom 8:12]
A Christian is sure that all things work together for good. [Rom 8:28]
A Christian is free from any condemning charges against him / her. [Rom 8:31]
A Christian cannot be separated from the love of God. [Rom 8:35]
A Christian is hidden with Christ in God. [Col 3:3]
A Christian is sure that the good work that God has started in him / her will be finished. [Phil 1:6]
A Christian is a citizen of heaven with the rest of God’s family. [Eph 2:19]
A Christian can find grace and mercy in times of need. [Heb 4:16]
A Christian is born of God and the evil one cannot touch him / her. [1 John 5:18]

A Christian is significant…
A Christian is the salt and light for everyone around him / her. [Matt 5:13-14]
A Christian is a part of the true vine, joined to Christ and able to produce lots of fruits. [John 15:1,5]
A Christian is handpicked by Jesus to bear fruit. [John 15:16]
A Christian is a Spirit-empowered witness of Christ. [Acts 1:8]
A Christian is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. [1 Cor 3:16 / 1 Cor 6:19]
A Christian is at peace with God and He has given him / her the work of making peace between Himself and other people. [2 Cor 5:17]
A Christian is seated with Christ in heaven. [Eph 2:6]
A Christian is God’s co-worker. [2 Cor 6:1]
A Christian is God’s building project, His handiwork, created to do His work. [Eph 2:10]
A Christian is able to do all things through Christ who gives him / her strength! [Phil 4:13]

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

创世记 ~第二十二章~

这 些 事 以 后 , 神 要 试 验 亚 伯 拉 罕 , 就 呼 叫 他 说 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 , 他 说 , 我 在 这 里 。

神 说 , 你 带 着 你 的 儿 子 , 就 是 你 独 生 的 儿 子 , 你 所 爱 的 以 撒 , 往 摩 利 亚 地 去 , 在 我 所 要 指 示 你 的 山 上 , 把 他 献 为 燔 祭 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 清 早 起 来 , 备 上 驴 , 带 着 两 个 仆 人 和 他 儿 子 以 撒 , 也 劈 好 了 燔 祭 的 柴 , 就 起 身 往 神 所 指 示 他 的 地 方 去 了 。

到 了 第 三 日 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 举 目 远 远 地 看 见 那 地 方 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 对 他 的 仆 人 说 , 你 们 和 驴 在 此 等 候 , 我 与 童 子 往 那 里 去 拜 一 拜 , 就 回 到 你 们 这 里 来 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 把 燔 祭 的 柴 放 在 他 儿 子 以 撒 身 上 , 自 己 手 里 拿 着 火 与 刀 。 于 是 二 人 同 行 。

以 撒 对 他 父 亲 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 , 父 亲 哪 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 , 我 儿 , 我 在 这 里 。 以 撒 说 , 请 看 , 火 与 柴 都 有 了 , 但 燔 祭 的 羊 羔 在 哪 里 呢 ?

亚 伯 拉 罕 说 , 我 儿 , 神 必 自 己 预 备 作 燔 祭 的 羊 羔 。 于 是 二 人 同 行 。

他 们 到 了 神 所 指 示 的 地 方 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 在 那 里 筑 坛 , 把 柴 摆 好 , 捆 绑 他 的 儿 子 以 撒 , 放 在 坛 的 柴 上 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 就 伸 手 拿 刀 , 要 杀 他 的 儿 子 。

耶 和 华 的 使 者 从 天 上 呼 叫 他 说 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 , 他 说 , 我 在 这 里 。

天 使 说 , 你 不 可 在 这 童 子 身 上 下 手 。 一 点 不 可 害 他 。 现 在 我 知 道 你 是 敬 畏 神 的 了 。 因 为 你 没 有 将 你 的 儿 子 , 就 是 你 独 生 的 儿 子 , 留 下 不 给 我 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 举 目 观 看 , 不 料 , 有 一 只 公 羊 , 两 角 扣 在 稠 密 的 小 树 中 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 就 取 了 那 只 公 羊 来 , 献 为 燔 祭 , 代 替 他 的 儿 子 。

亚 伯 拉 罕 给 那 地 方 起 名 叫 耶 和 华 以 勒 ( 意 思 就 是 耶 和 华 必 预 备 ) , 直 到 今 日 人 还 说 , 在 耶 和 华 的 山 上 必 有 预 备 。

耶 和 华 的 使 者 第 二 次 从 天 上 呼 叫 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 ,

耶 和 华 说 , 你 既 行 了 这 事 , 不 留 下 你 的 儿 子 , 就 是 你 独 生 的 儿 子 , 我 便 指 着 自 己 起 誓 说 ,

论 福 , 我 必 赐 大 福 给 你 。 论 子 孙 , 我 必 叫 你 的 子 孙 多 起 来 , 如 同 天 上 的 星 , 海 边 的 沙 。 你 子 孙 必 得 着 仇 敌 的 城 门 ,

并 且 地 上 万 国 都 必 因 你 的 后 裔 得 福 , 因 为 你 听 从 了 我 的 话 。

于 是 亚 伯 拉 罕 回 到 他 仆 人 那 里 , 他 们 一 同 起 身 往 别 是 巴 去 , 亚 伯 拉 罕 就 住 在 别 是 巴 。

这 事 以 后 , 有 人 告 诉 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 , 密 迦 给 你 兄 弟 拿 鹤 生 了 几 个 儿 子 ,

长 子 是 乌 斯 , 他 的 兄 弟 是 布 斯 和 亚 兰 的 父 亲 基 母 利 ,

并 基 薛 , 哈 琐 , 必 达 , 益 拉 , 彼 土 利 ( 彼 土 利 生 利 百 加 ) 。

这 八 个 人 都 是 密 迦 给 亚 伯 拉 罕 的 兄 弟 拿 鹤 生 的 。

拿 鹤 的 妾 名 叫 流 玛 , 生 了 提 八 , 迦 含 , 他 辖 , 和 玛 迦

Monday, February 04, 2008


How do I feel about my upcoming trip to US? A… I don’t really feel very excited at all honestly. Although my accommodation there is very luxurious and there are many nice places to go (as recommended by my friends), somehow I do not feel much excitement.

Oh no, is there something wrong with me? I hope not because the feeling that I am experiencing now is quite similar to that in 2005 when I was preparing for my trip to Shanghai, China.

Most of my documentation are done up and a few things left to settle is to pack my luggage, prepare USDs and suspend my handphone line. This week will be a good break for me as I laze at home to read up on Salt Lake City, semiconductor books to boost up my passion for the Great Empire of Electronics (haha…) and also good Christian books to boost up my faith in the LORD, Jesus Christ.

Chinese New Year is around the corner and I have just cleared my collection of dust particles for the whole year in my room. I have also reorganized the arrangement of things in my room for a refreshing change as I welcome yet another new chapter in my life. I hope my relatives will not be bugging me on whether I have found my lifelong soul mate this Chinese New Year. I certainly need to think of some reasons for this so as to handle the situations well.

Be leaving my homeland, Singapore in about a week’s time, I pray for the well-being of New Covenant cell. I also pray for the health and safety of my family members while I am away in a far away place on the other side of the globe.

There is a time difference of 15 hours and the weather is super cold over there. As I battle the harshness of winter, may the Holy Spirit continue to remind me that my soul is warmed by the love of my Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen.